
AlterG – The New Standard of Care in Rehab and Conditioning

How the AlterG Benefits a Senior Rehabilitation Patient

We Get patients better faster: Pain free movement encourages earlier walking with normal gait
mechanics. Precise partial weight bearing for earlier incorporation of closed-kinetic chain

We Get patients better safely: Patients are comfortably secure inside the AlterG. Gentle air
support allows for increased confidence and safe progression of activities to improve neuromuscular
control and balance.

We Decrease overall cost of care: Easy to use and
maintain, with minimal resource requirements from
facility and staff.

We Create facility revenue: Mobilizing patients
faster can lead to a placement in a higher
Resource Utilization Group (RUG). Attract
more doctor referrals and patients with stateof-
the-art NASA technology.

The FDA-cleared and patented AlterG Anti-Gravity
Treadmill is rapidly becoming an indispensable
device for rehabilitation and conditioning for any age

Because of its unique safety, efficacy and comfort
characteristics it is well positioned to benefit senior

Approved uses include rehabilitation from any
lower body disability, neurological gait training,
geriatric conditioning, fall prevention and weight
control programs.

The AlterG has been chosen by leading assisted
living, skilled nursing facilities, hospitals and physical
therapy clinics including; Life Care Centers of
America, Steadman-Hawkins, UCSF, NovaCare,
Stanford University, Harvard University and Walter
Reed Army Medical Center.

FDA-cleared and recommended by Techical specifications
top physical therapists and doctors

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