
Introducing the Alter G

Barr and Associates are proud to introduce the Alter G.

For your post-operative and post-injury patients, AlterG’s unique unweighting treadmill provides the opportunity to include closed kinetic chain functional rehabilitation earlier than ever before. AlterG is FDA cleared to safely provide a functional rehabilitation tool for any of your lower extremity patients who are:
  • Approved by their treating physician for at least 25% partial weight bearing
  • Allowed to flex and extend their hip, knee, and ankle through a limited range of motion
This revolutionary rehabilitation equipment also provides “prehab” conditioning with significantly reduced pain. Patients who try the AlterG treadmill overwhelmingly prefer it and 100% of those surveyed say they like it.


  • Enables pre-surgery conditioning with significantly reduced pain (prehab)
  • Expands the concept “Weight Bearing As Tolerated” from 20% of body weight to 100% in 1% increments, so patients can specify exactly where exercise becomes pain free and progress can be easily tracked and charted.
  • Provides precise early partial weight-bearing following injury or surgery to restore natural gait, range of motion and improved patient outcomes
  • Prosthetic training with improved balance and confidence
  • Neuromuscular and proprioceptive re-training

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